Why did you choose an Android Application Development?


Android App Development

Introduction of Android application

Android application is software designed which is run the emulator or android device. It’s also referred to as an APK file, which is known as an Android package. Android application is a Zip archive containing app code, meta information and resources. This file can be written in C++, Java, python and kotlin which are run inside in virtual machine. Android APPs is assembling a collection of components, which can be thought of the collection of interacting components. It comes in four flavours that are activities, services, broadcast receivers and content providers. 

Activities: An activity component which directly interactions with the user. Activities are generally designed to manage an only single type of user action; it’s providing multiple activities with complete user interaction.

Services: Services are background components that basically operate independently of user visibility activity. Services define to expose their own interfaces, which other components bind to make use of the service.  Services are generally initiating their own threads which are allowed the main application process to make schedule and progress to analogous with other components.

Broadcast Receivers: As we already discussed above, the system worldwide broadcast event can be generated by the system application or system software. Components mainly listed on the behalf of application broadcast receivers, which include multiple broadcast receivers for the announcements of listing. Broadcast receivers can float another component, such as use the system-wide notification manager or interact with the user and activities. 

Content Providers: Components that provide applications data are known as content providers. The content provider is free to reserve the data, which is chooses in back end representation, SQLite service or we say that some specific application representation which includes implemented via remote web services. It is base classes which are provided in the Android SDK for both the component seeking access and content provider.  

Android application development process

Android application development process requires proper planning, research and clear focus. Developing an android app doesn’t mean adding it and creating it to Google play store. For your application to be fruitful, you must follow a few steps which are mentioned in the blow. Generally, the entire process consists of five stages.   

 Planning: Planning is the most important factor, before starting development importantly define to set the target audience, required functions of your application and focused purpose. It is necessary to conduct extensive market research to make sure your application is competitive in the current market. Basically, planning includes preparing TOR, which stands for terms of reference. Planning is the initial stage of every App development company.

Design:  On this stage, appearance is created which is a mockup with the user. After the approval of appearance, the designer starts working with the mockup. Here, the designer prepared a final look for the application after that user will seems on their android devices. Typically, the design is important in every mobile application development company.

Development: Development is the stage where programmers create an android app which is based on the design of the application and also approved by the design stage.

Testing: Once the development stage is complete, after that you can send your application for testing. Here QA engineers check your application and make sure the application functions in the proper and correct way without any delusion.

Launch and maintenance: Launch and maintenance is the final stage of the android application development process. When the tester approves the application, you can easily release your application in the market and safely upload it on the Google play store. After the launching, you have to maintain your application; you must add on new features, technically support it and improve its functionality.    

Android App Development


Phases include in android app development

Development is the translating version of your project; here android application development team will work into three stages which are mentioned in below:

  1.  Back-end development
  2.  API creation
  3. Front-end development

Benefits of Android Application for market

Nowadays android application is an important tool in the market just because of the digital revolution wave. It is open-source with a simplified development process; we all know a well-designed application is a dominant resource for every person to access the required information. So, we provide the benefits of Android Application Development Company in blow section:

Graphics Support: Graphics support provides you with a huge range of graphic design. Here the design features are very superior and eye-catching. Android application development is taken as the perfect platform for a game application. Its built-in support for 2d as well as 3d also.

Low-Cost app development: in today’s competitive market world required maximum profit with minimum investments. Application development also required more profit with fewer investments. Basically, android provides development tools with an economical price which is beneficial for the developers whereas developers give the only a one-time fee for registration for application distribution. As the result is, there is a large number of users which is based on android OS certifies more return with fewer investments.

 Secured Platform:  It is a secured platform which is based on Linux. It fulfils all needs for developing android applications as per the requirement of different types of business. The secured platform provides you best application with minimum utilization of resources.

Rapid development:  Nowadays enterprise transforms their idea within a specific time because it is a quick development cycle. As we all know that competition is everywhere, this competitive edge increases the importance of android applications. Rapid development is very beneficial for android platforms.  


In the end, I would like to say that one of the best parts about the android application is the necessary tools which are free and easy to obtain anywhere. Basically, an android application is software designed who run the android device. It is an open-source for making the developer ecosystem dynamic and collectively enriching. Today’s 77 per cent of Indians are accessing their own smartphones and android application. In this post I already cover entire topics regarding android application. If you like my post feels to free comment in the comment section box. Thank you.

Originally published at https://artistixeit.com/blog-details/why-did-you-choose-an-android-application-development